The project “Same Work, Same Rights – All for the Implementation of the Principles of Equality in the Workplace” aims to enhance the advocacy process and raise awareness of the working conditions of women in the agricultural sector in the first place and production units. Its goal is to improve their working conditions and contribute to the consolidation of a culture of professional equality for women and employers alike.
The project involves civil society actors in the Morocco region and strengthens their capabilities to implement awareness and sensitization campaigns on the ground and online. It aims to encourage the proper application of the principles of equality in the workplace and the provisions of the Labor Code. The project also aims to strengthen the capacities of women workers in the same context.
The project was implemented in partnership with The Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment, and Skills.
The project aimed to achieve the following results:
Strengthened capacities of 20 civil society activists representing civil society associations in the field of protecting women’s rights and the principles of equality in the workplace.
Raised awareness among employers about the importance of professional equality through 4 video capsules .
Strengthened the capacities of 250 working women in understanding the mechanisms of women’s rights at work.
Produced a guide to protecting working women.
Mobilized a network of associations to advocate for improving the conditions of women at work.